End of Work, Start of Study....
Well it has been a while since a last posted a blog. Kinda lazy to write after work. For those who did not know, I went back to NW CDC (it is Community Development Council and not Centers for Disease control.. choi!!) to work. This time round I do not have any of my gd friends working with me..(because someone wants to enjoy life with other gals ouside mah.. hai..) for once haha.. However these 2 months, its been great knowing and working with new people. Making new friends like "Yang Lao Shi", "Lion" and "Royal Princess". haha.. Because of them, life in CDC was never mundane. I sure misses the time we all spent together :) Of course thanks for all the info about how gals view relationships. haha.. sad to say, I never understood gals before.. and I can't say that I do understand them now even with all things we've discussed..haha.. Well its fate that we've met.. Thanks for everything.. Hope we'll get a chance to meet up again.
Well, furthermore I've like to thank all the people in CDC for taking such good care of me.. all the "Mei Nu(Pretty Ladies)" and all the "Shui Ge(Handsome Guys)" and of course Auntie for her wonderful desserts every Wednesday.. Will never forget the black glutinous rice she cooked specially for the temp staffs leaving on the last week of work. Really feel like a "boy boy" in CDC haha.. always been taken care of.. so pai seh haha..
But there's one thing I'm very bu shuang(unhappy) and that is the kind of person that I was working under.. I shall call him "Dirty wan old chi go pek".. Why was i bu shuang?.. many people might be deceived by his looks and his kindness.. I was too... I was actually told recently that he is one who claims credits for things he have never done! and of course he claimed wat I've done as his work.. Dam it... Why was I so naive? Why did he wants to do that? Should have order more foods at Crystal Jade if I know wat kind of person he was.. And gals who know whom I was refering to, beware.. he is really a old perv who always look a the lady wearing the super short skirt sitting beside him (you all should know which lady I refering too).. hai.. sad.. Shouldn't have get him a 4 leaves clover.. Pissed.. Well at least its an experience for me.. now I know never to really really judge or take pity of a person.. But of course this incident will never deter me to nice to others haha.. Friends out there, no worries.. I won't be as bastard as that dirty old chi go pek.. haha...
1 down, 9 more times to go.. What's that? YESH! Its my reservist of course haha.. 9 more years to go!!.. haha.. Shiok.. Many people was stun when I told them I was going back reservist... why? because they themselves have not go back for the past few years and I am already going back.. Well this time round, didn't really get to see all the people from my company. Some went studying in poly, some in jail, some ran to Thailand... happening... But still one week went passed rather fast.. with all the brothers in arms.. haha.. actually it doesn't really feels like the army during our active times.. everyone was rather not so discipline, not as fit as previous.. except for one guy who actually trained until his 2.4 timing was like 8 minutes plus (JY how u train one? faint...).. overall the whole battalion, only 27% passed IPPT muahaha... lao kui(throw face).. shhh.. dun tell others I'm from Guards haha..oops.. But one thing that really stun me the moment i step into the camp is, WHY AM I ASSIGNED A 84MM WHEN I DID NOT EVEN DISMANTLED IT BEFORE WHEN I WAS ACTIVE?? wth.. faint.. why the screw up? what was HQ doing?... freaking heavy lor that gun or should I call it a metal pipe.. Well that's not the only stunning thing that actually happened duing ICT.. The winner was SGT ***(his identity cannot be known to public).. best lor.. pee infront of whole company.... I have the pic with me but I dun think I am allowed to post it here haha.. (I'm not a perv who take pics of people peeing btw... just that I dun think I will get to see a person who is actually that brave and bo chap to actually pee infront of 80 over people..).. Win liao lor... Well the ICT was a good break from civilian life after all haha.. it also serve as a good gathering, meeting up with old friends.. buddies, brothers.. away from our hectic schedules while being a civilian.. The receiving of the Medalion marks the end of our first ICT.. the next ICT will be DEC 2007.. not really looking forward to it haha..

Well the end of work marks the start if Year 2 Sem !... Hmmm Should I be looking forward to it? haha Don't know... Hope I won't die from all the modules .. HAHA..
Well as usual, I'll post a MTV.. this time round is Fan Yi Chen's Love stoty.. love the music, love the lyrics, love the guitar... haha have been searching for this song for some time until someone told me Fan yi chen has a really nice song.. went to hear it and OMG its the song I've been searching for haha.. Enjoy!!
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