Yeah its finally over!!! FREEDOM!!! No more headache for the next 3 months haha... and yup will be enter my second year soon and see all the young kids enter uni life at august haha..Then they have to start calling me senior liao.. haha..
Well, will be starting work soon haha.. for those in uni who wanna know how come i got my job so fast, well its because i asked my previous agency during the week before exams starts.. Have to start early or else there would not be any vacacies left after the exams in May... Hmmm well, I'll be working at NorthWest CDC, my old workplace.. Miss auntie's dessert on every Wednesday.. haha but don't know whether can ta han there anot... no friends there liao.. Miss u guy and gals!!... hai.. sad.... No one for me to suan haha... So anyone who are nearby, feel free to call me and meet me man... its at woodlands if u don't know where is it.. haha..
Hai.. but sian leh... reservist starting in one months time in June!.. anyone have any idea wat we gonna do? OC SIR! u reading this? u know anything? wat we gonna do? haha tell me so that i can spread the news!!
The next big thing.. Elections!! not the movie with Louis Koo( Angel's fav actor haha... I think..) First time in my life i got to vote... seems its like a big issue and everyone is talking about it haha even the taxi uncle is talking about it haha... Its on 6th May Don't forget!!! haha... should I vote for PAP? haha.. headache.... where is the opposition party??? until now still no sign.. haha.. MIA liao sia... rememeber.. voting is compulsory.. voting is secret haha... tou piao shi shen shen de.. tou pia shi qiang zhi xing de .. haha..
Next Big thing... this is the new pic that i drew... feel free to give comments.. haha... first time i tried so detailed drawing...

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