
A part of me to those who want to know me and know what are the things happening to me recently...

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Am I suitable to be an engineer?

Well.. the results have been released.. not too good for me.. CAP dropped.. feel shitty.. Dpn't know why this is happening.. Did some quiz and check out wat are the suitable jobs for me.. hai sad..

You would be very happy in a career that utilised your level-headedness, and allowed you to work mainly on your own. You want a career that allows you to be creative, without having to be involved with lots of people. Some careers that would be perfect for you are:





University Professor




Graphic Designer

Online Content Developer



Managing Director



You like working and being alone. You like to avoid attention at all costs. You tend to keep to yourself, and not interact much with the people around you. You enjoy spending time with a few a close friends. You like to listen to others, but don't like sharing much about yourself. You are very quiet and private.

You are very practical, and only act after thinking things through. You don't like being forced to answer quickly. You have to evaluate the situation completely. You make decisions based on what you can verify with your senses.

You like to be deeply involved in one or two special projects. You like to be behind the scenes. You are very logical and fair. You feel you should be honest with others and protect their feelings.

You trust your gut instincts. You are easily inspired and trust that inspiration. You are very innovative. You analyse things by looking at the big picture. You are concerned about how what you do affects others. You worry about your actions and the future. You tend to use a lot of metaphors and are very descriptive and colourful in your choice of language.

You are very creative, and get bored easily if you don't get to express yourself. You like to learn new things. You don�t like the same old routine. You like to leave your options open.

Well.. there are some truth to it...
I see no engineer fields in the list.. jialet...
how sia.. change course?

Thursday, May 24, 2007

I'm suppose to be working.. Why am I here?

3:28 pm Thursday
I'm suppose to be working right?
The fact is that I'VE NOT MUCH THINGS TO DO!!! TORTURE!!
When it comes to work, preferable there anr things to do, able to occupy me the whole day.. Work.. times up and go home.. rather then wait and wait for things to be passed to me to do.. I can be spending my time doing other stuffs lor.
Kinda pissed today because of what Mr Wan aka 2 faced Hobbit did.. Why 2 Face?.. at a glance, u might think that he is an innocent old man.. kinda, with a smile.. but if u know him better, he is a grouch.. stingy.. dirty.. back stabber.. politics player.. hatehim to the care man.. If u work at my workplace before, u'll know that the descriptions are 100% true. Why the hobbit?.. Because he is short lah.. what else?.. haha..

For the 100 and 1 time.. do not close the back door when I'm still in the toilet!.. It is left open for a reason.. and that is I dun have card to open the door! Stupid ass... and Do Not Give me that stare .. looks eerie.. Do not blame me if I get violent.. You Had Been Warned....

Is anyone having problems with Blogger? I can't seems to find the options to load pics and also to convert the blog into HTML to post anymore utube videos

Anyway.. Must thanks Huihui for giving me the discount haha.. Getting a new TV and home theatre system wor.. haha Sony Bravia 40 Inch V series HD Ready.. Chio.. hope by then can post the Tv here haha.. and best thing is the 34 inch in my living room Sony Wega is going into my room haha... no need to play playstation in the living room le haha... Anyone wants to try their consoles on HD TVs can come my house haha.. best u leave the console at my house, I help u test it out haha...

Getting results soon.. nervous.. but what can i do right? did my best le.. i think haha... Good Luck to all.. this might be my last post le.. if the results turn out to be......

Choi!.. joking lah haha... No way man... Life goes on.. Love and Peace!! (by Vash the Stampede...) \(^O^)/

Thursday, May 10, 2007

私は日本語の一番ブロゴ(my first blog in jap.. continue if u understand it ha..)

これ私わ一番ブログです。日本語のブロゴをしてみたいです。 これしかわかって、自在話せれます。はじめまして。シュミンです。 どぞよろしく おねいがいします。 今日 うれいです。 それあの人 がすきです。 それあの人 かわいくて、きれいです。でも あの人 が 友だち と 言いました。 ギブアップ したらいいですか。 わからないです。

Sunday, May 06, 2007

The way things are taught in the army.. recap...

Well, thanks to JLo, he manage to scan a piece of compiles "Things that we learn from encik" and that means the ideas that Tor(My CSM, My boss in the army..) drilled into our brains, as in the CPLs' brains....
here are the list..
1.when in doubt, always ask, even if need to contact the person at inappropraite timings, or ur doubt will become ur worst nightmare.(applies to work but how about R/S? hmmm..)
2.never condemn or judge people before getting to know them, they may not be the kind of person you perceive them to be.. (yup yup... meaning I'm a nice person lor haha..) doesn't matter if the whole world does things incorrectly as long as we do it right ourselves.(Must be confident.. know what u want.. but not too stubborn k)
4.when given any task, do it immediately if possible and settle it fast. Do not sit on it as things will start to snowball.(Snowball effect.. keep rolling rolling..)
5.always find out information which is precise and straight to the point. eventhough you have to clarify it a million times.(dun know who to ask?.. ask me lor ...) is not the most important thing in the world. just be happy and you will smile even when u are going bankrupt soon.. (subjective lah haha..)
7.priotities your work, do what needs to be done first. manage ur time.(if no time how ah?...)
8.always plan and complete work a few days before deadlines for last minute changes.(provided got time..)
9.always do things that everyone can understand no matter who it is. Do not assume that everyone will understand what u are trying to say.(You are not an alien...)
10.learn from ur mistakes quickly, once bitten twice shy. It's ok to be wrong, but not ok to be wrong the same thing again.(人非聖賢﹐熟能無錯﹐錯而能改﹐善莫大雁。。 eh.. someone correct me pls if use wrong words? haha..)
11.when planning things, analysis to foresee what might be ur contraints.. (look far think far)
12.teamwork is indispensible in organisation.. (MNO anyone? haha) order to make your subordinate to work hard for u, one must know the appropriate time to award generously and also punish serverely. Different people react to different kinds of reward and punishments. (I want tou hua break..)
14.if a problem cannot be solve the conventional way, always think of alternatives before seeking help from others.(東西是死的﹐人是活的。。)
15.when encounter a crisis, always try to solve the problem before finding whose fault it is.(finding fault only shorten the time for u to resolve the problem)
16.try to voice out the difficulties at work rather then keeping quiet. It may sound bad to superiors but it definitely will improve ur working enviroonment and also improve the system.(unless u are mute then too bad lor..)
17.always consider how ur decisions will affect others, don't only think for ur own benefits.(dun be so selfish.. k) business and work dealings, it is best to get proper documentary(i.e. black and white) to prove any suscessful transactions or agreements etc. If based on trust, there may be chances when people do not meant what they say.(Even good friends can betray u to save their own backside..) not be relient on others when u can do the job urself.(be a man, do the right thing..) polite when working with people. Be courteous but firm.(相信自己。。)
21.when working, focus on ur work, once u are not working, keep ur mind off work.. (I need more training on this)

Hope it will shed some lights to others how working environment is like.. haha.. it sure change me..
Well no one is perfect and no 2 individual is the same.. so these points some may apply, some may not..
Those who took MNO before, maybe u'll find some similar points taught in the lectures haha..

Friday, May 04, 2007

K box "Concert" total 6 hrs

Yeah finally had my Sem2 last paper done haha.. still left with one japanese language intermediate 2 final test and oral this coming sunday... but that did not stop me from going K box!... like Zhichang had said.. they should have split up the room haha.. because think 6 hrs of singing session think 4 hrs I was singing... total rocks man haha..
this is the list of songs that I sang.. or wat I can remember singing haha..
一千個世紀(the 1st 3 is attempted haha.. can't really remember how to sing the songs)
那女孩對我說(both songs are by 黃義達 the songs lyrics also about the same.. haha)
神啊救救我吧(the song I sang with the most feeling haha...)
Tell me
Love Story
hmmm think there's more haha let me think...
梁山伯与茱丽叶(have to sing with another guy.. sad and sound gay haha.. )
只对你有感觉 (also sing along one.. sad)
情人 or issit 天真
and more songs that other people have selected and sing along haha...
So now basically my voice is super 感性。。 because no voice le haha..
and if you all see carefully, alot of songs are rock and need to sing out loud and I mean real loud haha.. So Samantha, now u know how lucky u never go haha.. the ear plugs also no use I think haha..
Well back to recuperation time.. no singing until more nice songs are out haha..
So basketball match anyone?.. Quinn!, Ligen!, ZC!, Youan!, go arrange leh..haha.. I super lazy le...

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The unexpected call...

It happened in the afternoon while I as usual, was taking my afternoon nap...
Then.. "DU4 LU2 LU2 LU2"(One of the songs from Engine OST, the one Takuya Kimura was acting in.. my hp ring tone..)

Me: "Halo?"
That person:"Har low"
Me:"Halo!?" (scratching my head le... itchy... and thinking who is this guy sia.. sound so unfamiliar yet familiar...)
That person:"Harlow!"
That person:"你不知道我是誰?﹐ 你的hp 沒有我的number?"
That person:"Ah Pek lah.. 不記得?"
Me:"Oh...... Ah Pek ah...."
Ah pek:"你再忙嗎?"
Me:"忙啊﹐ 在考試。。。"
Ah Pek:"oh... hai.. 你看我那麼好打電話給你﹐ 別人我都沒打。。。"

and the rest of the conversation is abit lame and erm kinda I was like want to jump down the window kind haha..
Ah pek Not really a old man lah.. he looks like one maybe haha.. but he's surname was 白so hokkien is pek haha.. but I usually call him Ji Go Pek haha.. he hates it..
He's a joker in the army where i know him, a good brother in arms but super lame sia.. lamer then me lor... i think haha..
So what i want to say is that thanks to him at least during these periods of exam stressness and everything, well, feel kinda nice to have someone remembering u elsewhere.. though he's not a gal but not bad le lah haha.. Feel kinda bad that i cannot carry on talking to him on the phone because I really need to go study le.. But I promise to call him back after the exams.. so remind me man haha.. Thank You Ah Pek haha...

And to those people concerning me reagarding certain things, Thanks Thanks.. I'm ok le.. actually it was all the exam stressness causing all the panic and wild thoughts haha.. Thanks for all of ur concerns Arigatoo.. ro (its a acsii art of person bowing by the way haha.. can see?)

Ok.. so next is a MTV of Huang yida's song .. Yes.. its his haha.. not mayday or Jay chou.. why is because i like this MTV alot.. gonna sing this song in k box man haha.. but his songs are hard to sing man ha.. Enjoy

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