Thanks to Great Singapore Sales, I'm Broke!...
Great Singapore Sales.. GSS.. the time when whole singapore is enthu about shopping.. that includes me.. a guy haha.. so all gals out there, you are never alone haha.. After working for 2 months and serving one week of reservist, I did earn some cash... Well and I sure did it in a good timing.. after ending work, its shopping time! Needed badly new clothes for the 2nd year in uni.. Must not look like those ah keongs in Engine.. My resolve.. I did considered those things that I really needed and those things that are more of a luxury.. Thanks to my friends and advisor.. haha but total in all spent over a thousand over dollars.. which includes my Zen Vision M (my zen micro failed me.. hope this one will not), Levis engineered jeans, Adidas Watch, a few clothes, and my new Nike Dunk (Not LE though.. not so rich haha..) I don't really feel the heartaching because I work for it.. haha feels good.. but of course not without a short lecture from my mom, calculating how much I've spent haha..
However there is one item that I soooooo much wanted to get but then I did not.. Its a Pewter coloured frame with Lite Blue Mirror MIU MIU Shades.. sooooo coooool.. have been searching for it a long long time.. (I mean the pattern).. When I first saw it, it was love at first sight.. The shop owner straight away pull me in and ask me which one was I interested in.. My Finger automatically pointed at it.. But darn!. it Cost $320 when my budget was like 180... However, the uncle upon seeing my cute face (viomit...) decided to cut the prive down to 254.. but I was still not moved .. it was then he said.. he'll cut furthermore to 240.. final price.. Ahh.. My mind was telling me to buy straight away.. but my conscience was telling me to hold it right there.. because I still have to pay for my Jap Elementary 2 Course the next day... Sad Sad.. I have to tell the uncle I'll be back.. let me think for a moment.. (actually is the walk away trick).. I just can't fork out the money.. and furthermore its not a compulsory but rather a luxury item.. Just too bad then.. Sorry Uncle and sorry Miu Miu.. hai... sad..

Well this time, shopping seems different.. heard alot of bargaining ways and knowing new trends. Such as the "walk away method" - act like you are interested then go ask for the item's price.. try to ask for a lower price.. then act not satisfied and walk away.. best of accompanied by a few friends. Next is "pay by cash or NETS" - If u aren't paying my credit card, can always try to cut down the price by telling them that you'll be paying by NETS or cash.. Sometimes it works.. Depends on ur luck and ur face haha.. Good luck to all those who are willing to try these methods!