我想對我自己說。。 加油吧﹗﹗﹗ 忍﹗﹗﹗。。。。。 lun....
A part of me to those who want to know me and know what are the things happening to me recently...
Exams are coming, stress.... no work after exams, stress.... feeling down, stress.... Why do i feel so stress and down today?.. hai.. dun know.. somebody enlightened me please... miss my good buddies... long time never see them le.. Sorry Guys... Really busy forgive me... after exams go play basketball, pool and have a great time chilling.. but u all plan ah haha.. 7 papers 2 weeks... should have enough time ba... Somehow.. i always bo chap and think too much on the wrong things.. hai kinda sad.. after watching Jap dramas, more sad... almost cry sia.. 男人哭吧不是罪﹗。。。 by 劉德樺。。。
Well better start studying soon.. good luck to all... and to my self.. hmmm going to be end of sem le.. gonna miss my group members le.. hai sad.... back to being the sad and lonely me...